Proficiency Testing Programs
Proficiency Testing (PT) is the participant’s performance evaluation against pre-established criteria through organization, performance, and evaluation of measurements or tests in the same or similar items by two or more companies, according to predetermined conditions.
The participating company will receive an inscription certificate and final report to be used when relevant.
The actuation of Qualabor as PT’s provider meets the specific regulation, applying the requirements of ISO/IEC 17043 and performing the PT’s registration on EPTIS.
Proficiency Testing is one of the ways to show insurance in the quality of tests and calibrations' results. Beyond that:
To compare procedures, determining method's precision and accuracy for the increase of trust in tests' results.
To contribute with continuous improvement in test execution's technical.
To meet the regulation's necessities to accredited laboratories/inspection bodies or in accreditation phase.
To determine and and generate improvements in test performance.
To evaluate the effectiveness of corrective actions of previously PTs with Questionable and Unsatisfactory results.
To create confidence in the laboratorie/inspection bodie’s party and its services’ final user.
Qualabor’s Proficiency Testing, in general terms, are divided into the following steps:
Inscription Confirmation: the inscriptions shall be made by e-mail and, after the PT’s confirmation (minimum number of participants), it will be send an e-mail with the ticket for payment.
Scheduling: Qualabor will get in contact with each of the participants to set the date for the testing’s realization.
Testing’s realization: the testing and sending of its results shall follow the guidelines in the PT’s Instruction Manual.
Sample Devolution (When needed): after the test conclusion the sample shall be send to the informed address, by mail or another similar method approved by Qualabor with costs and responsibilities on behalf of the participant himself.
Resources: the participant will receive a preliminary report at the PT’s testing schedule ending. If any inconsistent information is found, the participant will have a deadline for contestation, which will be evaluated by Qualabor and, if it is the case, it will be made the information’s correction.
Final Report: after the resources’ analysis and its modifications, each participant will receive the Final Report.